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Archive for the ‘technology’

The new Santos belt-drive. The end of bicycle chains?

Santos owner Robbert Rutgrink gives a demonstration of a newly developed belt-drive, where (like in some newer motorcycles) the traditional metal chain has been replaced by a non-metal belt.

Though the video is in Dutch, you can see the belt in action clearly (for non-dutch viewer, forward to 3’00”). Is this the end of chain grease, lubing and general annoyance? See more about Santos Bikes (Mountain bikes, road bikes and Travelmaster touring bikes) on their website SantosBikes.com or here at WorldOnabike.com.

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Ps: it is lighter as well (75grams vs 250grams)


Right now James Bowthorpe will try to beat the record on his round-the-world bicycle trip. He is using a Santo Travelmaster with Beltdrive.

See the article on BikeTravellers.com for more background.